Canyoning in Cévennes

In the region, when the snow melted, the water levels in canyons increase considerably. Then, we can practice canyoning in the best way and spend a good time (natural slides, jumps on natural pools…)


Day 1: La Haute Borne: beautiful canyon located in a deep and wild valley. The route is a succession of jumps and slides with an approach of abseil.
Day 2: Le Chassezac: the canyon site to see in Lozère, a deep gorge at the heart of granite (waterfalls, slides, jumps, and abseils).
Day 3: La Fustugère: vertical descent, ideal to abseil down a waterfall.
Day 4: Le Roujanel: Aquatic route with narrow ways, a caving atmosphere.
Day 5: Canyon of Tapoul, the best canyon of our zone.

Time: From April to September
Groups: From 3 to 8 people
Individual : 290 €/pers
Groups (+4 pers) : 288 €/pers
Groups (+6 pers) : 286 €/pers

You are interested

  • Time : from April to September
  • Groups: from 3 to 8 people
  • Individual : 290 €/pers
  • Groups (+4 pers) : 288 €/pers
  • Groups (+6 pers) : 286 €/pers

Useful Information

• You must be able to swim
• Bring shoes like trainers or hiking shoes, swimsuit, picnic and drinking water for a day out.
Equipment provided:
• Neoprene wetsuits
• Helmets
• Harnesses
• Individual and collective equipments for the practice of ascending the rope
• Airtight bags and containers

Insurance :

In order to perform all activities, we strongly recommend you to be covered by a Civil Liability insurance. On our side, we also subscribe a Professional Liability insurance.”.

Price includes :

– Full technical equipment
– The presence of a State Certified Monitor (4 days of canyoning)
– The Professional Liability insurance
The price does not include:
– The accommodation and food